Cuman 1 kata buat hari ni SUCKS!!!
mood gw berantakan, emosi gw muncak, tugas numpuk, kerjaan bejibun...
arrgghh!!!! damn!! bangett dahh!!!!!
Jumat, 24 Desember 2010
Senin, 20 Desember 2010
Tempat Makanan Faforit Baru!!

Hahahah dikala waktu senggang kagak da temen buat diajak makan hunting" sendirian makanan di kampus G gunadarma (apesss... huhuhuh)
tp nemu juga tempat makan yang bisa dibilang enak murah and meriah haha 9lebay) cuman mang enak apalagi sate usus'a hmmm okelahhh hehehe
hunting" makanan sendirian kgk ngebuat gw bt atau kesel karena kgk da yang nemenin tp malah ngasih waktu yang pas buat nikmatin makanan sendirian hehe...
nih makanan yg gw pesen.. hehehe

Bubur ayam komplit tampa daun bawang (jreeng jreeng..) hahahaha enakkk!!
ni tempat'a enggk jauh dari gerbang depan kampus G gunadarma, tinggal jalan sedikit ke arah kanan alias ke arah perempatan lampu merah hehehe pasti ketemu..
mau nyoba?/ heheheh
Rabu, 15 Desember 2010
Model Dadakan!! Hahaha

Hahaha ceritanya mah berdasarkan perjanjian minggu lalu dengan dika (cewe'a tedi) buat jadi model foto'a dy coz dy ada tugas kampus'a gitu haha..
Masuk ketahap pertama yang dimana gw disuruh dateng ke kampus UNINDRA untuk melakukan photo session disana (ceilehh bahasa lo ndu,hahaha) and tibalah disana gw untuk di foto.. ternyata gw cuman di foto dalam segi potrait aja tp lumayan loh asal terlihat bisa 'ganteng' mah gw dah seneng hahahaha...
cukup agak cape karena gw kudu pose banyaaakk
(tp muka doang yang diambil huhuhuh T__T ) dan ntu ter'ata cape juga ya haha kelar gw di foto g masih sempet liat model" laen beraksi...
ribet bgt dah ngeliat ngatur kamera'a gaya'a lightning'a seet dahh (malesss)... hahaha malah sempet"a mpe mau dikenalin ma ce (nama'a sapa ya??) sama si dika haha cuman kgk jadi ane diem bae gan hahahaha...
lanjut pulang gw makan jd'a ma tedi and dika serta kedua teman'a itu hahaha lumayann bayaran model dadakan pake mie ayam fajar (deket kampus gw tuh hahaha)
yaa seenggak'a gw jd punya portofolio sebagai model haha (kerjaan apa bae dilakuin yang penting pengalaman hahah)..
Here some pics that dika best taken with her cam..

Thanks to Dhika for this invitation and some pics hehehe
Minggu, 12 Desember 2010
Happy birthday PRUart!!!!
Finally, I have entered the age of the 21 hahahaha, are getting older and have a lot to change what I do for the sake of continuity of my life later.
increasing age makes me think more logically and feelings that I combine to solve a problem or case. well, but I still like what it should do through the day should an artist hahaha.
a struggle which I've done until now I've made a lot of experience many events unforeseen at this time. ranging from life experiences that are still sort of minimal but still significant and a considerable amount of work experience I have done to make me understand the hard work and get money hahaha but ultimately it is still much to do.
I'm at the age of 21 years, is the beginning of my life in the future later. I have more spirit, more major thing for me is important and still works as it is like my first step but in a more advanced and more creative.
Happy birthday to me.. Happy birthday Destrian Panducita happy birthday PRUart!!!
increasing age makes me think more logically and feelings that I combine to solve a problem or case. well, but I still like what it should do through the day should an artist hahaha.
a struggle which I've done until now I've made a lot of experience many events unforeseen at this time. ranging from life experiences that are still sort of minimal but still significant and a considerable amount of work experience I have done to make me understand the hard work and get money hahaha but ultimately it is still much to do.
I'm at the age of 21 years, is the beginning of my life in the future later. I have more spirit, more major thing for me is important and still works as it is like my first step but in a more advanced and more creative.
Happy birthday to me.. Happy birthday Destrian Panducita happy birthday PRUart!!!
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