Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

Tugas Ilmu Sosial Dasar Minggu 5 (Mashadi Said, Dr.)

Destrian Panducita



Characteristic of modern man according to Inkeles and Smith

People become modern through undergoing particular life experiences. More specifically, it emphasises the contribution of people's work experience in making them modern. They believed that employment in complex, rationalised, technocratic and even bureaucratic organisations has a particular propensity to change people so that they move from the more traditional to the more modern in their attitudes, values and behaviour.

According to Inkeles, the following personal qualities can be used to difine modern man within the framework of his analytic perspective :
1. Oppenness to new experience
2. readiness for social change
3. The realm of the growth of opinion
4. Information
5. Valuing technical skill
6. Aspirations, education, and occupation
7. Awareness of, and respect for, the dignity of others
8. Understanding production

9. Time

10. Efficacy

Tugas Ilmu Sosial Dasar Minggu 4 (Mashadi Said, Dr.)

Destrian Panducita



According Mochtar Lubis

Mochtar Lubis said that Indonesian people basically kind, like harmony, have sense of humor, can laugh in suffering. Indonesian people can learn fast and have a smart brain too, easy to trained their skill, have a close family relationship and patient people.

The Characteristic of Indonesian People:

  • hypocrite
  • believe in ghost
  • irresponsible
  • feudalism
  • artistic
  • Still believe in superstition
  • Artistic
  • Wasteful
  • lazy
  • easily jealous
  • only think about their self

In my opinion indonesian people have lot of characteristic that can imagine how and why it can be..but in fact i proude to be indonesian people coz there so many things that can learn and prove that we have own it..

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009

Tugas Ilmu Sosial Dasar Minggu 3 (Mashadi Said, Dr.)

Destrian Panducita

2 SA 02


Deffinition Of Culture:

Culture or cultures derived from the Sanskrit buddhayah, which is the plural of Buddhi (mind or reason) is defined as matters relating to the mind and human mind. In English, culture is culture, which comes from the Latin word Colere, the process or work. Can be interpreted also as a cultivate the land or farming. The word culture is also sometimes translated as "culture" in Indonesian.

Culture is closely related to the community. Melville J. Herskovits and Bronisław Malinowski argued that everything contained in the society is determined by culture owned by the community itself. The term for it is the opinion of Cultural-determinism. contains the entire understanding of the culture of social values, social norms, science and overall social structures, religious, etc., what is more all intellectual and artistic statement that is characteristic of a society.


According J.J. Hoenigman, cultural forms can be divided into three: ideas, activities, and artifacts.

* The idea (Being ideal)
The ideal form of culture is the culture that shaped a collection of ideas, ideas, values, norms, rules, and so the abstract nature; not tangible or touched. Manifestation of this culture lies in the heads or the nature of thinking citizens. If these people had expressed their ideas in written form, the location of the ideal culture in essays and books, the work of writers such citizens.

* Activity (action)
Is a form of cultural activity as a pattern of human action in society. This form is sometimes called the social system. Social system is composed of human activities that interact, make contacts, and mix with other human beings according to certain patterns of behavior based on the customary procedure. Concrete nature, occurs in everyday life, and can be observed and documented.

* Artifacts (work)
Artifacts are the physical manifestation of the culture results from the activity, action, and the work of all people in society of objects or things that can be touched, seen, and documented. Its most concrete manifestation of the three cultures.

In reality social life, between one form of culture can not be separated from other cultural forms. For example: set the ideal form of culture and give direction to the action (activity) and work (artifacts) people.

Definition of Civilization:

Civilization is to have various meanings in relation to human society. This term is often used to refer to a society in which "complex": characterized by the practice in agriculture, and residential work, compared with other cultures, the members of a civilization are organized into a variety of complex division of labor in the social hierarchy structure.

The term civilization is often used as a broader equation of the term "culture" is popular in academic circles. Where is every human being can participate in a culture, which can be interpreted as "art, customs, habits ... beliefs, values, behavior and material habits that tradition is a way of life for citizens". However, in the definition of the most widely used, civilization is a descriptive term and complex relative to agriculture and culture. Civilization can be distinguished from others by complexity of culture and social organization and various economic and cultural activities.

In a sense the old but still often go round used the term "civilization" can be used in a normative way in both the social context in which the complex and culturally superior city that is considered another "rogue" or "barbaric" culture, the concept of "civilization" is used as a synonym for "culture (and often moral) benefits of a particular group." In a similar sense, civilization can mean "improvement of thought, manners, or taste". people who practiced intensive agriculture; a division of labor; and population density sufficient to form cities.

Difference between culture and civilization

A civilization is a complex society or culture group characterized by dependence upon agriculture, long-distance trade, state form of government, occupational specialization, population, and class stratification.

Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.