Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Loose imagination?? read Babyboss!!

At a time when if I could not find the right ideas for the drawing, besides listening to music and positive minded that I would do is opening and reading the magazine which is my faforit Babyboss Magazine. Lots of artists featured in this magazine which raised me to re-explore the imagination to worked again. There was no incessantly me reading the this magazine because it always contains things that increase the learning and experience about the artist-artist.

really nice magazine I have ever read and my collection.

Read Babyboss, listen to music, eat and drink what you like, watch television, reading the comics, watch movies and animation or cartoon that's several things to help increase your imagination. and do not forget to smile!

Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

I'm Heal!!

hahaha finally recovered too, okay it's time I re-worked again. stopped is long enough to drawing graffiti on the streets of the capital city and it is time I come back again ..

in this week I should be able to realize the resolution in the 2011, it must and should be!

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Sick. . .

Yaps, after a long enough affected by examination from the campus that made me feels tired and finally I was also fell because of high fever illness. so damn it I could not continuing what I want to which is back to draw again and worked again, but after recovering it later I will definitely go back to what i want hahaha that's right. the walls has been waiting for me to drawn back again.

well, stop a moment in order to cure this body to be healthy again ...
wait for the next update from the me ...

yeaahh hell with this disease! will return soon

Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Semester 6?? shit!!

The days I feel more and more damning in the campus, where it was time to prepare the scientific research that would be a center of gravity in the semester 6 it, Yeah how else would all of be happy or at least run it it bodies was had to undergo the days where the future will be targeted now if it was not willing to through it ...

hopefully it all of resolved quickly and run smoothly without the barriers that could stop it all of ..

and I also have to show to my parents if I can and I will graduate just in time!

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

I can't tell

Maybe something that can not be defended it is something can be spelled miserable things, why when we already feel to have what we want for permanently but not granted because of some reason that does not unreasonable even if it is about faith.

whether the freedom could not achieved because of the barriers that block? whether such a right?

then how can these two human being can be united making love appropriate what you want god? some say love is blind and some say that love is not indiscriminately when people feel the love, love does not know the time and place, and also love did not know limits .. then where is the truth it actually? whether of all it is real or just bullshit?

god, Is this path that you chose for me? for your servants who was affected by love but you refrain because of the differences that we experienced?. god, is this your path? if this the answer to your god?

God, if this is indeed the best for me and I will live it for you ..

although serious for me separated with her god ..
but love will never be cracked by time and you know it god ..

thank god for your chance for your answer for me and herself for all of this may be put right later on ..

love the way you lie ...

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011


Gilaaa akhirnya UAS kelarr haha..
dah bebas dari segala macem propsal and tugas"....!!!

hari ni saatnya nyiapin diri buat ngadepin Ujian Utama tanggal 29 ma 31 januari nanti!!

semangat!.. walaupun semester depan sudah terlihat akan berat namun tetep aja semua ini bisa dilewatkan nantinya.. haha grrr!!!!
siap" untuk Semester 6!! PI (penelitian Ilmiah) gw harus bisa dapet and kerjain!!!
and siap" buat ngulang semua matkul yang nilainya C and D (untung D'a cuman 1 tp C'a astaga hahah 9!!) IPK gw harus bisa dapet 3 kalo kgk apa kata nyokap gw nanti udah 6semester tp nilai masih 2,8 naek turun naek turun bae.. hadeuhh..

semangat juang tak kenal waktu.. gw kudu bisa!!

Semangat semangat semangatt!!!!!

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Happy Birthday Choki (Reza Pardede)

Hahahahaha... long time no ngumpul" akhirnya anggota BDF ngumpul again,well walaupun enggk semua kaya M.Reza, Hadiyani S., ma Emmanuel C.S yang enggk ikut tp overall hari ni fantastic aja.. hahaha

bermula-mula ketika sore menjelang, choki nelp gw nanyain gw ada dimana and sibuk apa kagak, well gw jawab dirumah dan enggk sbuk apapun chok...
ternyata dy ngajakin untuk karaoke'n di margo (gilaa haha berasa suara bagus aja lu pada guys hahaha.. nice"..) ntar mlm jam 7n well tampa basa basi lagi (bukan iklan suatu produk ya.heheh) langsung bersiap" and bergegas ke margo.. sesampainya disana. . . . . . .

hahaha ternyata choki, tedi, iqi, ma ridho dah nungguin gw (maaf telat guys..hehe) and langsung aja kita ke tempat karaoke di margo and booking 1 tempat untuk ber5 hehe 9expensive juga yaa hahaha)

dan tragedi pun dimulai hahahaha...
sebelum mulai menyanyi kita smeua milih-milih lagu kesukaan masing" buat nanti dinyayiin bareng" atau individual hahaha.. here the list..

ME - Inikah cinta
Bruno Mars - Just the way you are, Granade
Enrique Eglecias - Hero, Escape
Michael Buble - Everything
R Kelly - I believe i can fly
Air Supply - Goodbye
Katty Perry - Firework
Will.I.Am - Heartbreaker
MCR - I Don't Love u
Lyla - Magic
Seventeen - Jaga selalu hatimu
Yellow Card - Only One
Afgan - Bukan cinta biasa
and Jamrud - Ulang Tahun..

hahahahaa ni dah mulai gila"n bersama, ya terang aja nyanyi pada ngasal" tp kalo buat rido ma iqi sih ketahuan suara mereka mang bagus haha sial lu ber2.. hehehehe
hahaha lagu" yang kita nyanyiin ni pada bener" dibuat lucu and kocak (apa bedanya ndu??)

udah pada berisik trus bingung sapa yang mau nyanyi (padahal kan milih lagu masing'??).
tp tetep berjalan dengan amat sempurna..

nah ramenya pas kita nyanyiin jamrud - ulang tahun buat choki haha rameee gilaaa..
dah kaya teriak"n di utan bae.. (untung ditempat karaoke jd bebas hahah)

hari ini nice banget lah pokonya bisa jalan and ditraktir pula ma choki hehe maaf ya chok gw nambah mulu hahahah..
kangen kalian kawan.. kangen kita ngumpul" sama-sama lagi komplt kaya dulu...

lo semua mang bisa aja bawa hal" gokil, lucu, sedih, marah, gembiraan dan keceriaan disaat yang berbeda namun dalam satu kebersamaan..
guys.. lo semua tuh yang bikin hari" gw dikampus tambah berwarna lagi di kehidupan kampus yang penat abiss kaya kampus tercinta kita itu hahahah...

BDF.. Love u guys!!

N.B: Happy birthday ya choki nanti tanggal 21 haha ngucapin ma ngerayainnya mah sekranag aja kita hahahahahaha..
Wish u all the best things kawan...!!